i’m a scientist¹ playing² connect the dots.³

1 I experiment with life to study the truth.
2 I wonder, so I ask. I feel, so I create. I have a body, so I play.
3 I draw connections between isolated ideas, people, & disciplines.

i question connotations & coexistence.

Connotations: What are the emotional nuances of an experience?
Coexistence: How might opposing ideas share a presence?

I am captivated by the human mind, body, and experience – "human" as an element of nature. I play in a world of technology and I question our world beyond technology. I believe in simplicity and beauty as powerful considerations that can make an experience of technology novel.

The USC Iovine & Young Academy was my most recent playground.

I learned to engage with diverse perspectives and ask multifaceted questions to define problems truthfully and solve them holistically. How? By developing a divergent toolbox of the fundamentals of design, technology, and business and applying those skills to solve problems for collaborative projects and industry clients.